……Part time Online English teaching vacancies……

Company:- .Panda Club English Academy

English teaching institute based on native chinese students. Conducting English classes for chinese students through an online platform.

One to one classes.

*App – Voov meeting app

*Class duration – 45-50 minutes.

*Classes are normally conduct after 4 pm on weekdays. Times can be changed in weekends.

*Classes are scheduled according to the both student’s and teacher’s time availability.


* for first two weeks, rs. 850/= for one session.* starting from third week, rs. 950/= for one session.

* Every new student gets a first free trial class. You wouldn’t be paid for the first new class.

* Total payment will transfer to you bank account at the end of the week. ( on sunday)

*No age limit for the students.

*No specific syllabus for the students. According to the student’s requirements you can prepare any lesson materials to the student.


*Need to be fluent in English speaking.

*Need to keep the video on during the whole class.

*Teachers should be available at least one hour for 3 week days and in weekends more than 2 hours per day.

*Genuine passion for English teaching and not just seeking for money.

For more information please contact,0771855766

Sri Lanka Teacher Job Vacancy 2024

Sri Lanka Part time job vacancy 2024

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