Do we need a CV?

What is a CV?

Basically its Curriculum Vitae. In short form we call it cv . its a document we add our personal, professional, educational and activities we are part of . CV is basically a data set of you to have a first impression about you while shortlisting for the particular position, which can be a job, internship.

Format for a CV

To be honest when you look at the world there is no specific format for CVs. it depends on your country, the workplace you apply the era you are in or what company you are applying for.

Does CV need to be a document?

Its 21st century , way of sending your CV is becoming so transformative. Some companies and originations request a hard copy of your cv. some ask for a soft copy to mail or WhatsApp. some companies, mostly universities ask for a cover letter. but there is a recent trend your will make short 10-15 minute video which will include your all details presented by you . this will save lot of time for interview and first impression .

How many pages for a CV ?

Basically a cv is best if you can add all the details in one page . It will be help recruiters and HR departments to refer it easily. But usual CVs we receive a two pages which is acceptable.

Should we send only the CV ?

It also depends on the company you are applying for . sometimes you are asked to send a Cover letter as mentioned above, your educational certificates, a passport size photos. and its better to add a small introduction in email body and send the CV . But make sure you send the CV attached at once before sending. recruiters don’t encourage to see your portfolio in 2 or 3 mails.