Why HR’s didn’t get back to you after you have sent your resume?
After screening and analyzing more than hundreds of resumes every week, below are some points, that we haven’t even thought of, but they are game changers in your job search journey.
You have not shared your resume in PDF Format. We sometimes send our resume in word format that might be non compatible. Moreover when a word formatted resume is opened, the alignment and formatting also changes. It makes the resume looks unprofessional. PDF format is the most compatible format that gets open in almost every device/ windows.
- Always share your resume in PDF FORMAT.
If you have pasted the resume link- you have not turned on the access of the link. While sharing the resume link via Google Drive, we usually forget to change the settings. This way HR would not be able to open your resume. So be cautious to provide access. Because you may be sending your portfolio also.
- Always check the settings for ACCESS, while sharing the RESUME LINK
Always remember to share your strong profile to recruiters, so that they don’t have any chance to reject or bypass your resume. As THEY HAVE 999 RESUMES TO SCREEN, BUT WE DONT HAVE 999 OFEERS IN HAND. That’s the hard reality.
Find the right candidate and move on .